43F (5’4” 150lb)
2 months post-op
Full Tummy Tuck - She had 4 natural childbirths and also a full colectomy. Her tummy tuck included VASER liposuction of abdomen, waist, hips, and back bra roll.
41F (5’1” 133lb)
3 months post-op
Full Tummy Tuck - She worked out almost daily but struggled to see any changes to the fullness in her abdominal area. She has had one c-section. She had VASER liposuction to the waist and back bra roll with her tummy tuck.
50F (5’3” 174lb)
6 months post-op
Extended Tummy Tuck - She wanted to enhance her natural curves and have a flatter stomach. She also had VASER liposuction of the waist, hips, and back bra roll.
50F (5’2” 176lbs)
3 months post-op
Fleur de Lis Tummy Tuck - She previously had a gastric sleeve to lose weight and also was on weight loss medications. She had lost a total of 126 lbs, which left behind significant loose skin. Her abdomen was her main concern. She had a Fleur-de-Lis Tummy Tuck to remove as much skin as safely as possible with liposuction to the flank area.