32F (5'9” 184lb)
2 months post-op
Brazilian Butt Lift (SS) - She had Lipo 360 (Full Abs, Waist, Hips, Back Bra Roll) w/ Fat Transfer to Buttocks. She has birthed 4 children and wanted to enhance her shape to look smaller. She lost 50lbs. She wants to do a full tummy tuck with breast augmentation and lift in the near future. 950cc of fat was transferred to each buttock.
42F (5’2” 156lb)
2 months post-op
BBL/Fat Transfer to Buttocks with Lower Body Lift - She wanted a rounder, perkier buttock. She had two c-sections, as well as a prior tummy tuck. She had 625cc of fat injected into each buttock.